Cheddarbutler: Your Personal Financial Analyst


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Cheddar Butler version 3: Golden Potato released, adds Ally and Alpaca
broker API scripts to user friendly REPL interactable web pages. 
Pyscript is a phenomenal tool to display user inputs in a real 
time web terminal. Matplotlib further allows for animated graphs
of option payoff functions.

Cheddar Butler version 2: Bacon Saver edition is available on github.
This is a barebone set of useful scripts that help users interact with
the yfinance module. 

Cheddar Butler version 1 ran on Ameritrade's API, now being deprecated.

Github Repositories

Click here for Cheddar Butler version 3: Golden Potato

Click here for Cheddar Butler version 2: Bacon Saver

Heroku App (In Development)

Link will be here when complete.